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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Self-Help Tip #40: Deprive Your Senses


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We are all overstimulated. So from time to time, you may feel a strong desire to ESCAPE . . . Escape from your spouse, your kids, your boss, your job, your responsibilities . . . your life.

One quick way to achieve this, is through sensory deprivation - "deliberate isolation and removal of external stimuli; often conducted in a chamber.

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Self-Help Tip #39: Make a Bucket List


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Life's demands distract from contemplating our expiration date, and what we'd like to accomplish with our remaining time. A Bucket List is "typically grandiose activities and goals that you would like to accomplish before you die."

Can you think of something(s) you'd put on your Bucket List . . . ? 

  • Something you'd like to learn?
  • Somewhere you'd like to travel?
  • Someone you'd like to meet?...
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Self-Help Tip #38: Simplify & Declutter


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In honor of Earth Day, I'm sending this belated invitation to join the movement that "challenges consumerism by advocating for a pared-down lifestyle."

A great way to start? GET ORGANIZED! In the video below, Professional Organizer Ulli Schilling shares helpful tips to tackle your Spring cleaning (purging)! Because "having fewer choices, possessions, and commitments can reduce stress...

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Self-Help Tip #37: Get & Give Hugs


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Didn't you MISS human contact during the pandemic? (Hard to hug from a 6-foot distance!)

Thankfully, holidays like Ramadan, Passover, and Easter have brought us physically closer to friends and family. This will ultimately help us keep each other healthy! (Various scientific studies claim there are many health benefits to hugging and the oxytocin it brings.)

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Self-Help Tip #36: Ask For Help


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When we're born, we're literally HELPLESS and must depend on others for survival. (Then, we're typically in a similar state at the end of our life as well!) 

  • So why do we get uncomfortable asking for help during the middle part of our life?
  • Do we somehow forget that we are indeed dependent on each other!? 

All parents know that it takes a village, and that we MUST "...

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Self-Help Tip #35: Go Organic


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. . . I remember hearing that perceptive phrase in this cartoon PSA, in 1983. (Sadly, I didn't internalize its truth, and instead proceeded to treat my body like a trash compactor - eating countless BAGS of sugary cookies and processed treats.)

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Self-Help Tip #34: Move Those Legs


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Think about how grateful you are for your LEGS that move you all day! It's no wonder celebrities like Fred Astaire insured their legs (and in the case of David Beckham - for up to $195 Million!!)

So what insurance plan do YOU have to keep your sweet legs sturdy...?

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It's taken me...

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Self-Help Tip #33: Consult A Guru


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Whether you're seeking enlightenment, perspective, or just some decent conversation, you may be tempted to consult a Guru (derived from the Sanskrit word "venerable").

A Guru is "a person with great intelligence who usually dispenses advice[or] spiritual guidance via oral teachings in an attempt to enlighten students, aka "followers."

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Self-Help Tip #32: Create A Relaxation Ritual


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Do you make time to relax?

"According to the American Institute of Stress, the leading cause of stress - is the workplace." The good news? Because many of us had to combine our workplace into OUR place ... we're now able to create our own ways of relaxing on-site. (i.e. Who needs "MetroNap Energy Pods" - when you can just nap in your own bed?!)

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Self-Help Tip #31: Unplug


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Remember life pre cell phone? Pre laptop? Now we're so tangled up, that it takes a VERY "conscious effort to reduce dependence on technology, by curbing or eliminating the use of digital and electronic devices."  

This weekend I went to my friend's farm in the countryside. I got wake up to the sound of a rooster, instead of an alarm clock. I got to listen to raindrops outside the...

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