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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Sound Healing   



The gong of a bowl from Tibet . . . 

The rattle of a rain stick from Peru . . .

The hum of 7 crystal bowls - tuned to each of your chakras . . . 

The boom of a medicine drum - handmade with a First Nations Elder in Canada . . . 

And one beautiful voice . . . 

. . . That of Natalie Juul - a Meditation and Sound Practitioner. 

Natalie sits on a circular rug she found in Costa Rica. Surrounded by various crystals...

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Your #1 Body Part to Keep Fit . . .

Have you ever had an injury that not only HURT . . .  but also cost you money and time trying to HEAL?

In this Whole U.® podcast we hear from lldiko Varhelyi (Founder of NeuroCentric Health and Fitness LLC). Listen to her unique approach for preventing injury AND staying fit . . .

  Learn from Ildiko: 

  1. Listen to Interview: https://youtu.be/3HN_3dxcED4
  2. Website: https://neurocentrichealth.boston
  3. Facebook
  4. Instagram
  5. Youtube
  6. E-mail:...
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Every "NO" Gets You Closer to YES!

What does it REALLY take to make it in Hollywood . . . ?? In this episode of Whole U.® TV, we learn first-hand from Pili Montilla. As an EMMY Award Winning Producer, former MTV VJ, and social media influencer with over 100K followers - Pili shares how she: 

  • Manifested her dream job
  • Gained confidence from working with a life coach, and 
  • Uses her influence to effect positive change around the world 


Blog Post By Althea Champion


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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.