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"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Your #1 Body Part to Keep Fit . . .

Have you ever had an injury that not only HURT . . .  but also cost you money and time trying to HEAL?

In this Whole U.® podcast we hear from lldiko Varhelyi (Founder of NeuroCentric Health and Fitness LLC). Listen to her unique approach for preventing injury AND staying fit . . .

  Learn from Ildiko: 

  1. Listen to Interview: https://youtu.be/3HN_3dxcED4
  2. Website: https://neurocentrichealth.boston
  3. Facebook
  4. Instagram
  5. Youtube
  6. E-mail:...
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Pause The Chaos in Your Head . . .

According to the News... the world... is going crazy!

(But that doesn't mean YOU have to lose your mind too!)

In this episode of Whole U.® TV, Morgan Dix (co-Founder of "About Meditation") reminds us that peace of mind can be found...


  • At your desk
  • On the subway
  • Yes, even with family, during holidays ;)

Try Morgan's simple technique that will have you "meditating in minutes" - (and may even restore your faith in humanity :) 

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Are Your Products Toxic?

Let's face it: We ALL want to look good. So we buy hair care and skin care products that claim to improve our appearance. 

BUT . . .

  • Is your aftershave harming you? Or
  • Is your makeup making you sick!?

In this episode of Whole U.® TV Krysta Lewis of Aisling Organics explains her journey to becoming an advocate for CLEAN beauty . . . (and consequently, a successful entrepreneur too). 



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Which Diet(s) Work For You?

We are ALL unique and require different adjustments to our eating habits. For this reason, a book I like to recommend is called the “Diet Selector.” The Author, Dr. Judith Rodriguez does a good job at providing a vast array of options for the reader, helping them navigate ingredients, sample menus, and ultimately re-think the food we put in our body! Watch to hear a five tips Rodriguez provides for healthy weight management. 

*Disclaimer: As a self-proclaimed Cookie Monster I...

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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.