"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.
There's a belief that businesses should "sell you what you WANT - but give you what you NEED." And I confess I mainly focused on the first part of that equation - (helping you improve your resume, and orchestrate a confident career transition)...
But I believe what you (we all) REALLY need goes well beyond a better resume, new job, fancier title, or bigger paycheck (although of course those can be very fun!) What we NEED is to...
What does it REALLY take to make it in Hollywood . . . ?? In this episode of Whole U.® TV, we learn first-hand from Pili Montilla. As an EMMY Award Winning Producer, former MTV VJ, and social media influencer with over 100K followers - Pili shares how she:
Do you feel it too? … That nagging need to evolve, improve, and be challenged? That constant desire to be somewhere else, and be some one else. Most of us experience this. But when’s the last time you stopped to get clear about what your ideal life would look like NOW?
For example, ask yourself:
Clients work with me to get clear on questions like this, and to...
This Whole U.® Book Review encourages you to stick to your goals, and avoid getting side-tracked from your purpose.
Start living a balanced purposeful life!
Shannon O'Brien
Ed.M, M.A.
Shannon created Whole U. to encourage career seekers to live a balanced purposeful life, while pursing their life's work.