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Whole U. Blog

"Whole-istic insights" on wellness, career & service.

Being proactively peaceful?


Across the country, hundreds of college students are protesting war. I remember finishing university when 9/11 happened, and wanting to do something proactive - (yet peaceful). So I: 

  1. Visited 7 countries in the Middle East & North Africa (Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Israel, and Palestine) to get a first-hand understanding, beyond what I consumed through mainstream media.
  2. Completed a "World Peace Fellowship," and ...
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Feel Pressure to FIND A JOB!?

Remember that FIRST summer after graduation ... that internal pressure to "GET A JOB!"  I was asked to join this panel of career coaches to advise a recent graduate - and offered these insights - which apply to ALL of us:

  • 11:15 - "Think globally, but act locally
  • 16:42 - Take initiative to share your voice 
  • 21:17 - Watch your mind  (and what you tell yourself) 
  • 40:27 - My #1 recommendation is to ... (CLICK...
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Start Living a Balanced Purposeful Life.