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Self-Help Tip #2: Try Meditation.


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

If praying is TALKING to God - MEDITATION is LISTENING to God - (or your inner voice, higher self, the universe, or whatever you believe.) Think about your daily conversations. Talking is pretty easy, right? But listening is somehow more challenging.  

To help create a consistent meditation practice, try to: 

  1. "Determine the technique that most appeals to you" - (There are MANY to choose from - e.g. the 61 Points Body Scan, Tibetan Mahamudra, sound healing, etc.)
  2.  Create a comfortable/ convenient place - perhaps adding meditation pillows, a Tibetan singing bowl, or a timer, so you can incrementally add more minutes.
  3. Start small - Below is a guided meditation that encourages you to start with only ONE MINUTE a day

Wishing you ease as you simply SIT, and WITNESS your breath - and hopefully gain "positive qualities such as contemplation, tranquility, and self-awareness" along the way . . . 

☮️ & ❤️,


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