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Self-Help Tip #23: Self-Medicate


PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT Medical advice. Please read disclaimers.

So far 2022 feels as uncertain as 2021... wildfires, snowstorms, school cancellations, deaths (including dear Sidney Poitier - and Bob Saget). Times like these prompt us to look for ways to relieve stress and cheer ourselves up; or at least distract our minds." Giving yourself permission to mentally check out is necessary every once in a while" . . .

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Self-medication is "a self-prescribed regimen of behaviors and/ or substances intended to address underlying psychological distress." Many choose: TV, wine, weed, food, work, shopping - all of which can get out of hand quick! Better to balance these by:

  • Considering consequences
  • Establishing boundaries
  • Mixing in healthy habits that are less likely to be addicting (e.g. meditation, exercise, and getting out in nature - which we did, to welcome the first snowfall). 😀😀
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Everything in moderation 🙏🏻  




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