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Clear Your Digestive System

bacteria diet digestive system fasting intestines liquid diet liver mindful eating organs reset sibo Dec 21, 2024

If your digestive system is sluggish, you may want to look deeper . . . [Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, and you’re encouraged to consult your medical care team if needed.]  

I just finished a [doctor prescribed] medical diet.

I could not eat food for TWENTY days!

Instead, I drank a liquid “Elemental Diet” and herbal tea. Forgoing food felt extreme - but thankfully was worth it. Most importantly - clearing internal symptoms:

  •  Bloat
  •  Inflammation
  •  Fatigue
  •  Brain fog
  •  Inability to absorb nutrients
  •  SIBO - small intestinal bacteria overgrowth

There were also external changes:

  •  My face became less puffy
  •  My skin became less dull
  •  I shed excess weight (15 lbs)
  •  I developed a greater reverence for food 

 I now feel better equipped to opt for cleaner / healthier food choices.

 Here’s to savoring, (absorbing, and digesting) nutritious meals.


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