Girl Scout Cookies - Yay 🎉 or Nay? 👎
Jan 21, 2025
It may have taken 35 years, but the FDA (finally) banned Red Dye #3. This has me thinking about what's possible for Girl Scout Cookies - which my daughter's Daisy troop is encouraging them to sell. Of course I had mixed feelings:
- Concern - that Girl Scouts are promoting ultra processed food
- Craving - (cookies are regrettably my favorite vice)
- Support - of my daughter's learning through an entrepreneurial experience
With these contradicting emotions, I posted London's Cookie Sales Page - and within days, many of my family, friends and clients generously helped London meet her "sales goal" for her Daisy troop.
But here's the twist . . .
One customer (coincidentally a functional medicine doctor) e-mailed me days after her purchase, to share a social media post linked to this article published by "GMO Science."
The article cites a study that found that "Girl Scout cookies tested positive for toxic metals and glyphosate."
This was my reaction >> 😳
What was YOURS?
Which "camp" are you in?
(Camp A):
"Ya, so is everything else in the modern / western / toxic food supply!
These cookies are a beloved, nostalgic fundraiser. Life is short. Enjoy."
(Camp B):
"It is imperative for the Girl Scouts organization to confront this issue by addressing critical questions regarding their capacity and willingness to reformulate these products to ensure consumer safety." (Quote from the article linked above).
I enrolled London in Daisies, hoping she would learn important values.
For example, the "Girl Scout Law" has them promising:
"I will do my best to be honest and fair."
And so... that's what I'm trying to do now... practice honesty in business.
Admittedly, I've gobbled down many of these cookies already...
BUT I'm ultimately in "Camp B" - and taking action accordingly:
(1) Spoke with senior leadership within Girl Scouts to voice my concerns:
- Learned about their contract with "ABC Bakers" (since 1937), and that the cookies are indeed "FDA-approved," (which, likely doesn't mean much, given the long life of Red Dye #3.)
- Was glad to hear they took positive steps, like eliminating palm oil; and creating a gluten-free option.
- Will continue to advocate for healthier ways to raise money for the Daisies.
(2) I'm offering to "eat the cost" for any customers who would like a refund for the cookies they purchased from London.
(3) Finally (for now), the article concludes that "the solution is organic, regenerative farming" - so I will plan to learn more, and do more...
"Do the best you can until you know better" - Maya Angelou
☮️ + ❤️,
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